STEP EIGHT (Organizing Your Documents Folder)

Let's say that business is great, and you wind up writing quite a few letters. Before you know it, you've got dozens of letters in your Documents folder, along with dozens of other documents. The way to keep them organized is by (are you ready for this?) creating folders that live inside your Documents folder. Don't let this throw you, because just like a traditional filing cabinet, you'd have more than one folder in there, right? And there are probably some really thick folders in there that have some other folders inside, right? Well, that's all you're doing here (if you do this once, it will make more sense). So, let's create a folder called "Customer Thank-You Letters," into which we'll drag all those thank-you letters that are cluttering up your Documents folder. Now, you already have your Documents window open (from the previous step) so just take your mouse and click directly on the word "File" at the top left of your screen, and when the menu appears, move your mouse down to New Folder and click once. A new folder will appear in your Documents window and its name "untitled folder" will already be highlighted. All you have to do is type a new name, "Customer Thank-You Letters," and then press the Return key on your keyboard. Now, any customer service letters you see loose in the Documents folder need to go in this new folder, so click-and-hold on a letter's icon, drag it onto your new folder (when your letter moves over the folder, the folder will highlight), and release the mouse button to drop it right in.

    Getting Started with Your Mac and Mac OS X Tiger
    Getting Started with Your Mac and Mac OS X Tiger: Peachpit Learning Series
    ISBN: 0321330528
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2006
    Pages: 189
    Authors: Scott Kelby © 2008-2017.
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