Future Relationships

The stronger agency-client relationships – if they are not already there – will move back toward a consultative relationship. For the most part, people who work in advertising agencies are extremely service-oriented, inquisitive to a high degree, and readily absorb knowledge in a number of disciplines (otherwise, they probably wouldn’t be in this business). They have a good foundation in strategy and in all of the major disciplines – creative, account service, media and research. They are capable of providing sound, strategic advice and following through with all the elements to make those strategic foundations come true. The best agency/client relationships happen when the client allows its agency personnel to use this foundation of knowledge and skills.

The best thing that could happen for the advertising industry – and for most clients – would be to created an environment where agencies are valued more for the quality of the advice and work they deliver, rather than for how fast or how cheaply they can deliver it.

The Art of Advertising. CEOs from BBDO, Mullin Advertising & More on Generating Creative Campaigns & Building Successful Brands
The Art of Advertising: CEOs from Mullen Advertising, Marc USA, Euro RSCG & More on Generating Creative Campaigns & Building Successful Brands (Inside the Minds Series)
ISBN: 1587622319
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 68

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