Applying the Green Screen Key to the San Francisco Reporter Clip

Our intrepid reporter, after a grueling day at virtual airports and in the air, is to arrive in San Francisco for her next report, "live on location." Just as for the New England clip, we need to strip away the green background from the SF_reporter.avi clip. To do so, we again employ the Premiere Elements effect, the Green Screen Key.

Find and Apply the Green Screen Key

Click on the Effects and Transitions button in the Media panel, to switch to the Effects and Transitions view.

Type green in the text field.

Select the Green Screen Key effect from the Keying effects in the Video Effects list and drag and drop it onto the SF_reporter.avi clip on the Video 2 track.

In the Properties panel, click the triangle next to Green Screen Key to view the effect's controls.

Adjust the effect as follows:

  • Threshold:


  • Cutoff:


  • Smoothing:


The SF_reporter.avi before the Green Screen Key has been applied.

The reporter after the Green Screen Key has been applied, now reporting live from San Francisco.

Hollywood Special Effects with Adobe Premiere Elements 3
Hollywood Special Effects with Adobe Premiere Elements 3
ISBN: 0789736128
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 274
Authors: Carl Plumer © 2008-2017.
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