

Macro dialog, 2, 6, 11, 14
Macro field, 315
macro language, 1, 19, 20
macro libraries, 1
Macro Organizer dialog, 2-4, 11, 14, 15
MACRO property, 405
MacroExecutionMode property, 242
Macro Organizer dialog, 413-414
adding to application-level library, 9
calling routines and applications, 150
checking for errors, 158
components , 19
creating, 2
definition, 1
enabling while loading document, 215-217
ending, 149-150
entering, 5-8
event listeners, 233
examples, 456
Excel, 373-374
global, 209
information resources, 455-456
inspecting objects, 232
with OOo libraries, 455-456
queries, 356
recorder, 190, 201, 374
rounding errors and precision, 76-78
running, 8
security dialog, 215
for shape objects, 381
starting dialogs from, 416
in application libraries, 8-9
in document libraries, 1-8
syntax errors, 7
with UNO dispatcher, 201
worker, 294
Macros icon, IDE, 11
mailing lists,, 457-459
Manage Breakpoints icon, IDE, 10-11, 12
masks, creating, 437
math commands, UNO dispatcher, 199
Math documents, services, 175, 230
mathematical functions, supported in OOo Basic, 78-80
mathematical operators, 46
Max property, 430
MaxFieldCount property, 364
MaxSortFieldsCount property, 352
MaxTextLen property, 428, 429, 435, 437
MediaDescriptor service, 242
MediaType property, 242
MergeExperiment, Calc module, 342
Microsoft Excel file format, 244
Mid(), 113, 120
MIMEType property, StarDesktop, 209
Min property, 430
Minute(), 29, 101, 106, 107
MkDir(), 127
MOD operator, 47-48
modal dialog, 413
ModifiedBy property, StarDesktop, 209
ModifyDate property, StarDesktop, 209
modules. See also libraries
compiling, 9-10
creating, 4-5
renaming, 15-16
storing, 9
variables defined in, 43-44
Modules icon, IDE, 12
Month(), 29, 101, 106, 107, 111
Moveable property, 421
moveByName(), 326
MoveProtect property, 381
MsgBox(), 153
MsgBox dialog, 155
MsgBox statement, 116, 154, 156
multi-dimensional arrays, 93-94
multi-line output, 154
multi-page dialogs, 444
MultiLine property, 429, 438
multiple variables, 22
MultipleOpsBoth, Calc module, 349-350
MultipleOpsColumns, Calc module, 349
multiplication (*), 47
MultiSelection property, 441 Macros Explained Macros Explained
ISBN: 1930919514
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 203 © 2008-2017.
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