


Finder windows, 189

login screen, 105

BackJack service, 514

backticks (`) in Unix, 539–540

Backup application, 243


basics of, 509–510

frequency of, 512

local and removable, 512–513

media for, 513–514

NetInfo database, 19–20

network settings, 317

preference files, 92

selection criteria for, 510–512

strategies for, 514–515

utilities for, 515–518, 517

bars (|) for Unix pipes, 538

BatChmod utility, 44

BBEdit program

for printing folder listings, 191

in Unix, 547

BBEdit Lite program

for preference files, 89

for text files, 31

beeps, visual, 76

Bergstrand, Brian, 60

beta software, 11

bless command, 573

block devices in Unix, 522

Blocked Services screen, 461

blocks on drives, 484

Bluetooth File Exchange utility, 258, 324, 345–346, 346

Bluetooth File Transfer option, 346

Bluetooth pane, 69

Bluetooth protocol

for sharing files, 344–346, 346

System Preferences for, 322–324

Bombich, Mike, 151

Bookit program, 337, 337


for home pages, 320–321

for networking, 335–337, 335–336

Boot Config utility, 110, 111

boot images, 100

boot panel, 98

boot process, 93–94

boot volume choices in, 95–98, 95, 97

startup volume and system choices in, 94–98, 95

boot strings, 100–102, 101

Boot Strings tab, 101, 101

bootable CDs, 264, 495

BootCD application, 264, 495

BootROM activation, 93

BootX utility, 94

BrickHouse utility, 460–462, 461

broken Keychains, 477–478, 477

Browser Wars program, 320


adding, 319–320

bookmarks for, 335–337, 335–336

for FTP, 391

iCeCoffEE, 330–331

pop-up ads in, 338–339

popular, 332–334, 333

for printing folder listings, 192

searching with, 331–332, 332

window size in, 338–339


with Bluetooth, 345–346

Save dialogs, 209, 209

BSN init process, 94

built-in firewalls, 457–459, 458

.bundle extension, 122

bundles, 121

Burn item on toolbar, 178

burning CDs

images, 263

partitions for, 574

Mac OS X Power Tools
Mac OS X Power Tools
ISBN: 0782141927
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 152
Authors: Dan Frakes © 2008-2017.
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