
Using ISA to protect an SBS network gives small business the power to allow access where and when necessary to those individuals who need it without compromising security in other areas. Out-of-the-box ISA and the SBS wizards configure all the default settings that allow the components of the server to get along securely on a single server. But because all small businesses have unique needs, understanding how to configure ISA to allow access specific to your needs is imperative. If it is possible to boil down ISA configuration it would be in the creation of Firewall Policy Rules. Many components make up a Firewall Policy Rule, and those components can be combined in various ways to achieve the desired result. In addition to Firewall Policy Rules, small businesses may add additional servers to the network that require Internet access. Publishing rules are used to control access to other servers on the network. After ISA is configured, the administrator spends most of his time simply monitoring ISA, watching for intruders or Internet activities from internal users that may place the small business in a compromising situation or reduce productivity. ISA displays all this information in the Dashboard and Monitoring sections of the ISA Management MMC.

Although ISA can at first seem complex, taking the time to learn how it works yields benefits that no other firewall within budgetary reach of small businesses can provide. Although ISA was designed primarily for the large enterprise, where IT staff make their whole careers managing the firewall, the management of an ISA Server for the small business is not that difficult or time consuming. The results of a little effort will reward themselves many times over, just as soon as the next outbreak aimed at perceived security flaws occurs while your network is still humming along protected by ISA.

Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 Unleashed
Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 Unleashed
ISBN: 0672328054
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 253 © 2008-2017.
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