
 < Day Day Up > 


padding expressions, 85-86

Padovani, Luca, 369

paint function, 369

parallel markup, 141, 146-151

param attribute, 182, 187

parameter entities, 31

parent elements, 23

partialdiff element, 124, 125, 462

PassiveTEX Project, 304

pasting MathML, 331-332

pat:mml element, 284

pat:template element, 284

pdf files, 7, 8, 304

pdflatex command, 304

Perl, 13, 340, 341, 375

\phantom command, 276

PHP, 13, 340-341, 369, 375

Physical Review, 251

piece element, 119, 463

piecewise declarations, 119-120

piecewise element, 119, 463

pi element, 105, 463

Plot function, 390

pluginspage attribute, 179

plus element, 44, 46, 104, 121, 463-464

pmathmlcss.xsl, 163

pmathml.xsl, 163

\popuplink(popuptext)(caption) command, 371

power element, 44, 45, 121, 464

preferredHeight() function, 354

preferredWidth() function, 354

prefix notation, 45, 312

pref:renderer attribute, 163

prescripts element, 62

presentation elements, 400-425

presentation markup

application, 194, 217-227, 312-313

general discussion, 39-44, 59-102, 60, 140, 199, 254, 312-313 (See also combined markup; presentation elements)

Presentation MathML attribute, 133

presentation tags, in MathML, 38-39

primes element, 132, 464

processing instructions, in XML, 25

\product command, 275

product element, 129, 465

products, rendering, 234, 254

programming, server-side, 375-377

prsubset element, 128, 465

psuedo-attributes, 350

Publicon, 233, 250-254, 265-266, 500

Publisher, WebEQ, 186, 241-244

punctuation characters, 481

Python, 375

 < Day Day Up > 

The MathML Handbook
The MathML Handbook (Charles River Media Internet & Web Design)
ISBN: 1584502495
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 127
Authors: Pavi Sandhu © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: