... and why should you use it?

and why should you use it?

When you start using learning maps you will immediately notice several positive effects:

  • If you find it difficult to memorize what you have written down, e.g. during a meeting or lecture, you will soon notice that your maps improve your memory .

  • Note taking in the traditional, linear way takes too much time, as most people write down too many words. Using learning maps instead, you realize that this technique saves time . You don t need a lot of words to remember. As a result of using fewer words, you will find you can spend more time listening, taking part in discussions, etc. And as it saves time you will get more things done! Many people have difficulties putting things in the right place, in order to find them again when they need them. This also goes for note taking. As learning maps save time and space, you could easily find what you are looking for.

Using learning maps is an effective means of getting organized!

  • At first glance a map may seem disorderly or even totally incomprehensible (see figure over the page). However, when you have made your maps you will notice that a learning map is generally more structured and logically built up than linear notes. This also helps you to find what you are looking for.

  • You will make use of your creative thinking and imagination in many ways.

  • Using learning maps is fun! Note taking is considered a tiring preoccupation “ learning maps are not!

These are just a few of the effects and benefits from using learning maps as your note-taking system. You will find more while you are practising.

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Learning Maps and Memory Skills
Learning Maps and Memory Skills (Creating Success)
ISBN: 0749441283
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 63

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