Chapter 10: Preventative Maintenance


A s with most things in life, preventing problems is much easier than solving them. The same statement can be applied to computer operating systems, including Windows XP. The concept of “preventative maintenance” simply means that you perform various checks on Windows XP to maintain the operating system. Maintenance helps you avoid problems before they occur and it helps you find performance problems that may be developing. You can think of preventative maintenance both in terms of preventing problems from occurring as well as optimization. As you work with Windows XP in your network environment, it is important for you to understand and use the features Windows XP gives you that can help you optimize, monitor, and prevent problems. Using these tools, you can keep the operating system running at its peak, and certainly make your job easier. In this chapter, you’ll...

A+ Technician's on the Job Guide to Windows XP
A+ Technician's on the Job Guide to Windows XP
ISBN: 72226900
Year: 2003
Pages: 164 © 2008-2017.
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