

UAS High Availability group, 500

UDP. see User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

UDP bomb (packet storm) attacks, 27

UDP snork attacks, 27

Unicast routing, 353–357

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) objects, 509


Management Clients, 459, 482

SVN Foundation, 458–459, 480–482

VPN-1 and FireWall-1 NG, 455–458, 477–479

Universal resource locators (URLs), filtering, 252, 334–339

UnixInstallScript, 723

Unprivileged commands for PIX firewalls, 265

Upgrading FireWall-1 (Check Point), 645–649

Upgrading software

PIX 500 series firewalls, 261–262

URI for QoS objects, 510

url-block command (PIX firewalls), 337–339

url-cache command (PIX firewalls), 338

URLs (universal resource locators), filtering, 252, 334–339

U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 6

User authentication in ClusterXL, 767

User authentication properties, 594

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

Adaptive Security Algorithm (ASA), 250–251

attacks, 27

encapsulation, 776

service object, 506

User-defined services object, 508

User names for administrators, 433

User rights on domain controller, 1147–1148

UserAuthority tool, 618

Users, groups of, 696–699

Users, IPSO

admin, 694–695

general, 695–696

managing, 694

monitor, 695

Users, monitoring, 174

Users database, 551

The Best Damn Firewall Book Period
The Best Damn Firewall Book Period
ISBN: 1931836906
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 240 © 2008-2017.
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