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mastering crystal reports 9
Chapter 10 - Data Sources and the Database Expert
Mastering Crystal Reports 9
by Cate McCoy and Gord Maric
Sybex 2003


Have you ever worked with a database table that was so massive that you cringed doing a query? Especially if, on a regular basis, all you ever worked with in the table was a set of five fields out of the 300 being stored. Crystal Dictionary files (known in earlier versions of Crystal as Infoview files) can help manage the data source in a way that presents only the fields of interest to the Database Expert. Like the Crystal SQL Designer, the Crystal Dictionary tool can be downloaded from the Crystal Decisions website as part of the Crystal Reports 9 Data Compatibility tools. Once installed on your computer, you can start this free tool by choosing Start > Programs > Crystal Reports Tools > Crystal Dictionaries. Figure 10.24 demonstrates that choosing a data source involves the familiar technique of picking an ODBC or other data source from a list.

click to expand
Figure 10.24. Crystal Dictionary data source

The tabs walk you through the essential steps needed to create a subset of visible data to be used in Crystal Reports. You begin by picking a table in the Tables tab after connecting to the data source. One of the strengths of a Crystal Dictionary is the ability to shield the end user from unwieldy table and field names. Throughout, you can specify alias names that you want users to see. Figure 10.25 shows that you’re given the opportunity to name a table whatever you want. Doing so renames the table in the dictionary file only and has no effect on the stored table or its data.

Figure 10.25. Setting an alias


As in the Crystal SQL Designer tool, if the dictionary being built involves multiple tables, a tab labeled Links appears directly to the right of the Tables tab, allowing you to build links manually or by using the Smart Linking button to link based on primary and foreign keys.

The View tab is the core of creating a Crystal Dictionary. Here you create aliases for field names and choose the fields that become part of the dictionary. No other fields will be visible to the report designer, so the View tab determines the view of the data that will be seen by the dictionary users. The column on the left in Figure 10.26 shows the table name and all the field names, while the column on the right shows the fields that will be included in the view and the alias names (if any) that will be displayed.

click to expand
Figure 10.26. Determining the view

In this example, the ResortCode field was given an alias of Internal Resort Number, the ResortName field was given the alias Resort Moniker, and the Country field was added but no alias was assigned. When you click the Save button, a dictionary file will be created that allows access to only these three fields through the Database Expert in Crystal Reports.

Dictionary files can help you accomplish two major goals:

  • Limit the fields that are accessed in a table.

  • Display field and table names that are more meaningful to the report designers.


    Dictionary files are saved with the file extension .dc5 and can be stored anywhere on a computer or a network. Infoview files have a file extension of .civ.

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Mastering Crystal Reports 9
Mastering Crystal Reports 9
ISBN: 0782141730
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 217

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