Lesson Review


Describe two ways to open and close stacks in Aperture.


If you auto-stack images as you import them and don't like the pick that Aperture defines automatically, how can you change it?


Describe two useful features for evaluating images in the Viewer.


What's the difference between a standard album and a Smart Album?



To open all stacks in the Browser of the main window, choose Stacks > Open All Stacks or press Option-'. Press Option-; to close all open stacks. To open or close individual stacks, click the Stack button of a particular stack.


To manually define a pick image in a stack, select it in the Browser and choose Stacks > Pick or press Command-\ (backslash). Or, drag the image that you want to be the pick to the leftmost position in the stack.


The Zoom feature and the Loupe are two useful tools to use when you're evaluating images in the Viewer. Aperture allows you to view images at full resolution, so that you can see every pixel of the image. To see an image at full resolution in the Viewer, select it in the Browser and choose View > Zoom to Actual Size, or press the Z key. The Loupe lets you inspect images even more closely: Select it in the toolbar and position the small ring of the Loupe over an image in the Viewer or Browser; the large ring shows a magnified view of the pixels in the selected area. Press Command-Shift-= to zoom in at 200 percent, press the keyboard shortcut twice to zoom in at 400 percent, and so on. The Loupe is useful for making quick checks for dust specks and flaws.


A standard album is one to which you manually add images. Smart Albums are updated dynamically according to metadata criteria that you define. When you change the criteria associated with a particular Smart Album, the contents of the Smart Album change automatically.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Option-' (apostrophe)

Open all stacks


Close all stacks


Open/close a selected stack or stacks


Create a new album


Create a new Smart Album


Email selected image or images


Apply a Select (five-star) rating to an image

Command-backslash (\)

Make a selected image the pick of the stack


Apply a five-star rating to an image


Tag an image as unrated


Show/hide a metadata icon on images in the Viewer and Browser


Toggle the Primary Only button in the Viewer


Switch to the Primary Viewer mode


Switch to the Multi Viewer mode


Zoom to 100 percent or fit to Viewer

` (accent grave)

Show/hide the Loupe tool

Command-click an item in the projects panel

Open the item in a tabbed pane in the Browser

Option-click an item in the projects panel

Open the item in a split pane in the Viewer

Apple Pro Training Series(c) Aperture
Apple Pro Training Series: Aperture
ISBN: 0321422767
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 185

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