Adding Users

If you have as blog, you can only add users who have accounts. If you have a WordPress server installation blog, you can add anyone you like as a user.

Either way, you add users with the Authors & Users administration panel. In this part of the chapter, we show you how.


  • We explain how to set up a account in Chapter 1.

To add a user to a blog


If necessary, log into your blog and display the Dashboard.


Click the Users button.


Click the Authors & Users button in the second row of buttons to display the Authors & Users administration panel (Figure 3).

Figure 3. The Authors & Users administration panel for a blog.


Scroll down to the Add User From Community area.


Set options for the new user:

  • User E-Mail is the user's e-mail address. If the user has more than one e-mail address, it must be the one associated with his account.

  • Role is the role you want to assign to the user. Choose an option from the drop-down list (Figure 4).

    Figure 4. Choose a role from the drop-down list.


Click Add User.

The new user is added to the User List by Role area near the top of the window (Figure 5). An invitation e-mail is sent to the user you added (Figure 6).

Figure 5. The new user is added to the User List by Role.

Figure 6. When a user is invited to join a blog, she gets a message like this one.

To add a user to a WordPress server installation blog


If necessary, log into your blog and display the Dashboard.


Click the Users button.


Click the Authors & Users button in the second row of buttons to display the Authors & Users administration panel (Figure 7).

Figure 7. The Authors and Users administration panel for a WordPress server installation blog, with several users already added.


Scroll down to the Add New User area.


Set options for the new user:

  • Nickname is the user name and nickname for the new user.

  • First name is the user's first name.

  • Last name is the user's last name.

  • E-mail is the user's e-mail address.

  • Website is the URL for the user's Web site (if he has one).

  • Password (twice) is a password for the user, entered twice.


Click Add User. The new user is added to the User List by Role area in the Authors & Users administration panel.


  • The user can later change his nickname in the Your Profile and Personal Options administration panel as discussed earlier in this chapter.

  • By default, all new users are created with a role of Subscriber. You must edit the user to change his role; we explain how later in this chapter.

WordPress 2. Visual QuickStart Guide
WordPress 2
ISBN: 0321450191
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 142 © 2008-2017.
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