
Before you can begin using the 2007 version of Quicken, you must install it. This chapter provides detailed information on installing, registering, and setting up Quicken with all your financial and account information. If you are new to Quicken, you'll use the Quicken Express Setup to add all your financial information, including your personal information, such as your name, and your financial information, such as your checking account, credit cards, bills, and expenses.

If you have used Quicken before and are upgrading to the 2007 version, your information will automatically be converted to the new version after you install the upgrade.

The easiest way to get your financial information into Quicken is by downloading it. However, this requires that you have online access to your account(s) already, have an Internet connection, and have a valid login ID and password for your accounts. If you have all these things, you are set. If not, that's okay; you can still enter the information. However, whether you're downloading the account information or entering it yourself, you need to gather your statements to ensure that you are providing Quicken with the latest information, such as your balances, interest rates, payment due dates, and so on. Quicken uses all this information to help manage your accounts, remind you when payments are due, and make projections for your taxes or savings goals. It's like having an accountant at your fingertips, except all these services come at a much lower cost.

To ensure that you have everything you need to install and set up Quicken, review the "Quicken Setup Checklist" and "Backing Up Quicken Files" sections before you get started with Quicken Express Setup. Having all the information you need before you start will help save you time so that you can get started using Quicken right away.

Quicken Setup Checklist

Before you install and start using Quicken, there are a few things you should gather to make the setup process as efficient and quick as possible. Review the following checklist and collect all the most recent information that is applicable to you:

  • Bank statements for all your checking and savings accounts

  • Credit card statements

  • Investment and retirement statements

  • Mortgage statement or rental agreement

  • Loan statements (car loans, personal loans, student loans, and so on) and other liabilities information

  • Information on any assets you own (antiques, art, jewelry, family heirlooms, and so on), including their value

  • Paycheck stubs for you and/or your spouse, if applicable

  • Statements for all your bills (utilities, insurance, and other nondebt expenses)

  • Login IDs and passwords for all accounts (bank, credit card, utilities, and so on) that you access online

Backing Up Quicken Files

If you already use Quicken and you are upgrading from an older version, as a precautionary measure, make a backup of your existing Quicken file(s). To ensure that your existing files are not overwritten, save the backup file(s) to a separate location where all your current Quicken software files are located or, better yet, to a CD or diskette.

Quicken 2007 On Demand
Quicken 2007 On Demand
ISBN: 0789736381
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 138
Authors: Gina Carrillo © 2008-2017.
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