

LAN (local area network), 259

LAN Manager, 234

land on CD, 52

laptop computers, power options, 152

laser printer, 74, 75

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 249

Level 1 cache, 4

Level 2 cache, 4

and Pentium Pro, 11

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), 249

Linux, 105-106

as server, 229

liquid crystal display, 65-66, 66

List Folder Contents NTFS permission, 291

LLC (Logical Link control), 171

load balancing, 238, 239

Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, 187, 187-188

local area network (LAN), 259

local drive, 282

local groups, 270, 272-273

local loop, 69

local printing, 296

local security, in NTFS, 290

Log Off, 143, 148

logging on, 287

logical drives, 40, 40

Logical Link control (LLC), 171

logical topology, 200

long filename support, 237

loopback, IP address for, 213

LPR (Line Printer), 237

MCSA. MCSE 2003 JumpStart. Computer and Network Basics
MCSA/MCSE 2003 JumpStart
ISBN: 078214277X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 203
Authors: Lisa Donald © 2008-2017.
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