11.4 Document management resources on the Internet

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As PDM systems in general consider document management and in particular information management as an integral part of PDM, many PDM resources include references to DMSs (see Chapter 9). Many resources related to Web-based applications and services also include references to document management. In addition, many document management services directly address document, content, and knowledge management. Some of these are listed next. They in turn contain a vast number of additional references.

11.4.1 Cms-list

Cms-list [4] is a forum Web page intended to help content management professionals teach each other about content management trends, tools, and ideas. The forum is focused on Web-based implementations.

11.4.2 CMSWatch

CMSWatch [5] is an independent source of information, news, opinion, and analysis about Web content management. It publishes a CMS report, which gives analysis of content management systems tools, the current problems and solutions, and similar items. The site also includes information about related technologies, such as XML, digital asset management, and content syndication.

11.4.3 Document Management Avenue Ltd.

Document Management Avenue [6] is a Web portal that provides information about document management and content management resources. It includes a discussion forum, FAQ, a glossary, and news. An extensive list of document management suppliers is provided.

11.4.4 Information Management Internet Directory

The Information Management Internet Directory [7] provides a large number of Web resources classified in different areas of document management and related disciplines: documentation format processing, data mining and warehousing, publishing, workflow, network management, and distributed systems.

11.4.5 Intranet Journal

The Intranet Journal [8] provides comprehensive information related to the Web and the Internet: technologies, standards, case studies, white papers, and product and service providers. Although most of the information is focused on Web technologies that are only indirectly related to PDM and SCM, the resource includes references and white papers from knowledge and content management, data and information workflow, and standards such as XML and HTML (for standards see Section 12.6).

11.4.6 Knowledgestorm

Knowledgestorm [9] provides a directory of more than 20,000 business-tobusiness products, services, and providers. Document management, content management, document publishing, information management, and middleware systems are included in the directory.

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Implementing and Integraing Product Data Management and Software Configuration[... ]ement
Implementing and Integrating Product Data Management and Software Configuration Management (Artech House Computing Library)
ISBN: 1580534988
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 122

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