Goal Motivation (Influencer)

The greater the measurable benefits of their goals (or how their performance is evaluated), the stronger is the motivation for customers to act quickly. Often, some compelling event occurs that heightens customers' motivation to achieve a goal. For instance, a drop in a company's market share by 10 percent increases its motivation to achieve the goal of improving marketing and selling efforts. Uncover the event, and you know the motivation—and how they measure it. For example, what does 10 percent equal in dollars lost?


A good question to ask customers to uncover goal motivation is, "What has prompted you to want to achieve that goal (fill in the blank) at this time?''

Moreover, introducing new goals with measurable benefits motivates customers to move out of their status quo. You do not need to wait for a negative event to occur for them to take action. To create demand you use goals that customers were not even aware were achievable. You help them calculate what the cost of doing nothing equals in dollars. Additionally, when finding out goal motivation, you often uncover the next filter of current situation.

The Science of Sales Success(c) A Proven System for High Profit, Repeatable Results
The Science of Sales Success: A Proven System for High-Profit, Repeatable Results
ISBN: 0814415997
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 170
Authors: Josh Costell

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