
Picture Properties Instead of Graphics Application


I've configured by graphics application as the editor for graphics files, but when I double-click an image, it just brings up the Picture Properties dialog box.

If you double-click on an image inside Design view in FrontPage, you will get the Picture Properties dialog box instead of your image editing program. If you want to edit the image in your graphics application, you can do it in several ways:

  • Double-click the image file in the Folder List.

  • Double-click the image file in any file list in FrontPage.

  • Right-click the image file and select Open With and then select your graphics application.

  • Open the Picture Properties dialog, click the General tab, and then click the Edit button.

Changes Not Visible in FrontPage

I've made changes to an image and saved it, but my changes are not visible in FrontPage even after refreshing the page view.

When you edit an image directly from FrontPage, it is saved into a temporary folder and then opened from there. FrontPage should take care of moving the file back to your Web site when you save it, but sometimes it doesn't.

It you find that your changes are not visible in FrontPage after refreshing the view using View, Refresh, try saving your file to another folder (such as your Desktop) and then importing it into your Web site. If you are working on a local Web site, you can also save the file directly into the Web site's disk drive location.

Images Broken After Saving

I've just sliced up an image and saved the HTML file from my graphics software. After I imported the HTML file into my Web site, all the images are broken and don't display.

Most image editing software, including PhotoImpact and ImageReady, save sliced graphics into a folder by default. If you import the HTML file that these application create into your Web site, make sure that you also import the folder containing the images that were sliced. After you import all the files into FrontPage, you can move the image files into the folder of your choice and FrontPage will update your links.

Special Edition Using Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
Special Edition Using Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
ISBN: 0789729547
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 443 © 2008-2017.
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