Opening Photos with Picture It

Opening Photos with Picture It!

After you have installed the photo-enhancement software, you have multiple options for getting started. Either of the following methods will get you going:

  • Open the Picture It! program from the Windows XP Start menu; then choose from one of the photos displayed under the Recent Files heading, or choose Open and browse to the image file you want to work on.

  • Open the My Pictures directory from the Windows XP Start menu, find the image file you want, and right-click on it. Choose Open With, and then select Picture It! 7.0 (see Figure 20.2).

    Figure 20.2. The right-click method is one of the easiest ways to open a digital image file in Picture It!.


After you have opened an image in this fashion, you'll be viewing a screen with the image you selected displayed on the main screen, and a pane on the left listing several common tasks . Here you'll find the Touchup option, which guides you through some of the most basic yet powerful features contained in the Picture It! program.

Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Windows XP Media Center
Absolute Beginners Guide to Windows XP Media Center
ISBN: 0789730030
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 159
Authors: Steve Kovsky © 2008-2017.
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