ChapterCheap Trick: mac os x pranks

Cheap Trick: mac os x pranks

Although this is one of the shortest chapters in the book, it may be the most: (a) fun, (b) cruel, or (c) a delightful combination of the two. (The difference between "fun" and "cruel" is the difference between "reading the pranks" and "perpetrating them.") The original outline for this book didn't have a "pranks" chapter at all, but as I was writing tips for the other chapters, I'd sometimes think, "Boy, if you didn't know about this, and somebody who did know it wanted to mess with you, they could pretty much bring your Mac life crashing down around you." I imagined this could create a new brand of Mac heroespeople who would pull these pranks in secret on the machines of unsuspecting co-workers, then show up later to offer to "take a look at the problem," and with a few clicks, fix itwinning the respect and admiration of the victim and other office co-workers. I feel pretty safe in sharing these pranks, because I know you're not the type of person to use or abuse these little gems. Right? Right? Hello…

Mac OS X Tiger Killer Tips
The Photoshop Channels Book
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 568
Authors: Scott Kelby © 2008-2017.
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