
  1. Alignment between business and technology has been cited for several years as a primary executive concern, typically ranking in the top third of most studies. These studies include the Computer Sciences Corporation. "14th Annual Survey of IS Management Issues," January 2001; Duffy, Jan. "IT/Business Alignment: Delivering Results." IDC Research Note section, December 31, 2001; Poe, Jonathan. "Top CIO Issues for 2001." META Group Research Note section; Executive Directions, May 17, 2001; and Rosser, Bill and Carrie Smith. "Aligning Business and IT Strategies." Gartner Research Report, September, 9, 1996.

  1. The Conference Board (TCB) and Society for Information Management (SIM) are presently working with Dr. Luftman on a major research initiative involving the Strategic Alignment Maturity Model. The study is designed to produce benchmarking results and best practices that address the business/IT relationship. To date, Dr. Luftman's research shows evidence that on the average most organizations only rank at a Level 2 in terms of alignment maturity. Dr. Luftman also serves as Chief Knowledge Officer for enamics, Inc.

  1. The Strategic Alignment Maturity Model is also reproduced in "Diagnosing Your Organization." CIO Insight Whiteboard, November 1, 2001. [Online: http://common.ziffdavisinternet.com/download/0/1278/0107whiteboard_screen.pdf]

The Alignment Effect. How to Get Real Business Value Out of Technology
The Alignment Effect: How to Get Real Business Value Out of Technology
ISBN: 0130449393
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 83
Authors: Faisal Hoque

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