Reviewing Data Integrity


Determining and Defining Views

The sixth phase of the design process involves determining and defining views. Here you'll conduct interviews (once again), identify various ways of working with the data, and establish the views.

You identify the types of views you need to build in the database by interviewing users and management and determining how they work with their respective data. You may find, for example, that many users require detailed information to perform their work, while others need only summary information to help them make strategic decisions for the organization. Each group of users must access information in very specific ways, and you can use views to accommodate these situations.

Next, you define the views you've identified during the interview process using the appropriate tables and fields, and establish criteria for those views that are required to retrieve specific information. For instance, you would establish criteria for a view that must list all customers located in Texas or a view that must display the total number of authorized vendors (by city) in Washington State.


Database Design for Mere Mortals[c] A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design
Database Design for Mere Mortals: A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design
ISBN: 0201694719
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 203 © 2008-2017.
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