
The most serious problem you can get into with PostNuke permissions is Administrator lockout. Every other issue can be handled by tweaking the tables a bit more. If one of your changes suddenly results in the system telling you your account no longer has access, don't panic and assume a reinstall is required. You can restore your Administrator privileges with one quick change to the database tables.

First try to simply reset the access of the Admins Group to full Admin access to all site features. This is done in the table nuke_group_perms. The complete SQL statement you need is:

 UPDATE nuke_group_perms SET pn_component = '.*', pn_instance = '.*, pn_level = '800' WHERE pn_gid = "2" 

If you are using a graphical database administrator application, simply select the table from the listing and make the changes described in the SQL statement.

The preceding code does not change the priority of the Admin Group settings, only the access. Manually changing the priority in the database is generally not a good idea because it should remain unique and an assignment might produce duplicates. If you have deleted the lines granting Administrator access, you need to try changing the All Groups setting as follows:

 UPDATE nuke_group_perms SET pn_component = '.*', pn_instance = '.*', pn_level = '800' WHERE pn_gid = "-1" 

This is a more extreme option, in which all users are given full access to the entire site. After this is done, you should immediately go into the Permissions system and fix the settings so you can protect your site.

    PostNuke Content Management
    PostNuke Content Management
    ISBN: 0672326868
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 207
    Authors: Kevin Hatch © 2008-2017.
    If you may any questions please contact us: