Navigating Disks and Sites

The Browse pop-up menu at the top of the Files panel allows you to browse through your hard disk, and easily switch between sites that you have defined. The menu looks a bit different on Windows and Mac, reflecting the differences between the operating systems ( Figure 2.14 ). On both platforms, sites you have defined appear in the menu as folders.

Figure 2.14. The Browse menu in the Files panel reflects the differences in the Windows (left) and Mac (right) operating systems.

To browse your hard disk:

In the Files panel, choose the disk you want from the Browse pop-up menu.

The disk's contents appear in the files area ( Figure 2.15 ).

Figure 2.15. If you choose your hard disk from the Browse pop-up menu, you can then navigate to any file or folder on the disk.

Navigate to the folder and file that you want.

To switch between defined sites:

  • In the Files panel, choose the site from the Browse pop-up menu.

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 for Windows & Macintosh Visual QuickStart Guide
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 for Windows & Macintosh
ISBN: 0321350278
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 239 © 2008-2017.
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