
Throughout this chapter, you explored different aspects of performance management, including a number of optimization models and optimization approaches. These approaches and models will be beneficial to you through the rest of the book and in your day-to-day work when managing WebSphere environments.

As you explored in this chapter, performance management ”and hence performance and scalability ”can't exist without performance methodologies such as the examples provided within this chapter. I've worked, and continue to work, on both sides of the developer/system manager fence. I know that developers tend to develop to specification and what they consider a high-performing application design.

More experienced developers (and of course architects ) understand that high-performing application design goes beyond good code. Good design needs to extend into design and planning between the system people (the readers of this book) and the developers. Writing code that aligns with the WebSphere system manager's configuration and optimization architecture goes without saying, but on many occasions, I've seen this to not be the case. I cover some guidelines on this particular point later in the book.

In closing, although creating and implementing performance methodologies and managing them against a performance management model can incur some overhead, the benefits of having and using these models will be evident in your WebSphere platform's performance and availability metrics.

Maximizing Performance and Scalability with IBM WebSphere
Maximizing Performance and Scalability with IBM WebSphere
ISBN: 1590591305
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 111
Authors: Adam G. Neat © 2008-2017.
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