Best Practice Summary

  • Default websitesThe settings for the Default Web Site, Microsoft SharePoint Administration, SharePoint Central Administration, and Companyweb sites should not be modified. Because many services running on SBS are dependent on these default sites, any changes made could render core SBS services unusable. If any settings do need to be modified, try to make changes to the directories or virtual directories before modifying the site settings.

  • Do not use SBS to run a public websiteEven though IIS 6 is a much more secure product than its predecessors, there are still risks inherent with running a public website on the SBS server.

  • Make backups before making any configuration changes to IISBecause the stability of the metabase has increased with SBS 2003, there is no reason to avoid making backups of the IIS configuration prior to making any changes. The process of restoring the metabase configuration is simple and can get the web services back up and running quickly in case of trouble.

  • Installing third-party web services on SBSWhen a software product includes web management components, be sure to install the web parts into a separate website or at least a separate virtual directory on the server. Do not configure a third-party web component to use port 8080 or 8081 for their services.

  • Do not uninstall IIS from an SBS serverBecause so many services use IIS, uninstalling and reinstalling IIS requires the reinstallation of Exchange and all the SBS administration components as well. Use this method of recovery only as a last resort.

Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 Unleashed
Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 Unleashed
ISBN: 0672328054
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 253 © 2008-2017.
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