Optical Disc and Drive Technology

Optical technology standards for computers can be divided into two major types:

  • CD (CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW)


Both CD and DVD storage devices are descended from popular entertainment standards; CD-based devices can also play music CDs, and DVD-based devices can play the same DVD videos you can purchase or rent. However, computer drives that can use these types of media also offer many additional features. In the following sections, you will learn how CD and DVD drives and media are similar, how they differ from each other, and how they can be used to enhance your storage and playback options.

Upgrading and Repairing Laptops
Scott Muellers Upgrading and Repairing Laptops, Second Edition
ISBN: 0789733765
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 180
Authors: Scott Mueller

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