

Macintosh, 182, 188, 263
Macro-Economic Conquest , 270
macro-economics simulation, 270
MacSoft, 49, 50
Mad Libs, 520
Magic: The Gathering , 238, 304
Mallat, Yannis, 345
Maniac Mansion , 46 , 208, 229, 231, 451
manuals, 127, 186-187, 216-217, 366
Marathon , 49, 126, 213-214, 244, 296-297, 303, 397, 497
engine, 49-50
Marathon 2 , 49, 50, 156 , 157, 214 , 296-297, 298, 496
Marathon Infinity , 397
Mario Bros. , 239
Mario Kart , 240, 243, 248
Mario Kart: Double Dash , 243 , 249
marketing, 104-105, 150, 226, 309, 318, 339, 424-425, 488
marketplace , 513-514
Markle Foundation, 273, 274
mass market, 294
massively multi-player games , 4, 241-242, 248, 249, 253-254
Max Payne , 206 , 207, 208, 219
Maxis, 411, 412, 421-422, 436, 445, 486
Maze Invaders , 97
Maze Wars , 173
McCarthy, Pat, 98
McCloud, Scott, 221, 271, 274, 427, 532
McLuhan, Marshall, 533
meat on the bones, 185-186, 191, 194, 197
Mechner, Jordan, 320-354
MechWarrior 2 , 208
Medal of Honor , 522
media, 217-218, 482
games as, 533-534
mixing, 211
vs. games, 2
Meier, Sid, xvii, 20-39, 118, 134, 269, 408
mentoring, 248
menus , 189-190, 277, 311, 352, 373, 388-389
Meretzky, Steve, 487, 172-201
metagame, 461
Metal Gear Solid , 455
metrics, 255, 441-442, 443-444
Metroid Prime , 17
micro-goals, 12
micro-management, 24
Microprose, 20, 36
Midway, 51
Midway Games West, 95
Millipede , 87, 96 , 96-97, 97
Mills, William, 475
Min, Art, 254
Mind Forever Voyaging, A , 172, 176-177, 197, 198, 199, 203
mini-games, 22-23
Minotaur , 296, 298
mirror world, 247
Missile Command , 58, 393
mission briefings, 301, 315
mission statement, 70
missions, 203-204, 304, 480
mistakes, player, 127-128
MIT Lab for Computer Science, 173
Mixon, Laura, 273, 274
Miyamoto, Shigeru, 1, 457, 529
Mizuguchi, Tetsuya, 449
mock-ups, 317
model railroads, 24
modeling (simulations), 410-411
mods, 406
modular game design, 324-325
Molyneux, Peter, 483
Monkey Island , 219
Monopoly , 213, 238, 243
Moore, Rich, 87
morals, 176-177
Moriarty, Brian, 168, 180, 190, 222, 227, 228-230, 479
motivations, for working in game development, 85, 534
mouse, 62, 131-132, 133-134, 230-231, 303, 329, 388, 412, 429, 507
movement system, 363
Mucha, Alphonse, 334
MUDs, 3, 4, 241, 248, 256
M.U.L.E. , 239-240, 269
multi-player, 38, 98-99, 101, 102, 157, 171, 237-256
multi-player games, 3, 4-5, 210, 244-245, 303-304, 437-438, 461
adding support for, 251-252
converting single-player game to, 239
design considerations, 242-251
designing, 252-253
development issues, 251-255
drop outs in, 244
goals in, 304
headset support in, 250
motivations for playing, 238-239
networked, 241-242
online games, 238, 241-242
potential of, 244-245
single-screen, 239-241
single-system, 239-241
team vs. team, 246
types of, 239-242
voice support in, 250
multi-player gaming,
future of, 256
strengths and weaknesses of, 242
endings, 121-122
lives, 60, 145
paths, 466
solutions, 116-117, 120, 121-122
Multi User Dungeons, see MUDs
music, 336-337, 526-527
as part of gameplay, 232
My Mind is Numb, My Throat is Dry, 289
Myst , 141-142, 143, 203 , 229, 424, 479
Myth: The Fallen Lords , 296-305, 298 , 300 , 302 , 305 , 458

Game Design Theory and Practice
Game Design: Theory and Practice (2nd Edition) (Wordware Game Developers Library)
ISBN: 1556229127
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 189 © 2008-2017.
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