The Structure of a JMS Message

To make a messaging scheme work, all participants must agree on just what a message is. The JMS API defines a basic message structure that is not only simple, but also very flexible, allowing messages to be created to match formats suitable for non-JMS applications on heterogeneous platforms.

As illustrated in Figure 15.4, a JMS message object is composed of Header fields, a set of application-specific properties, and a message body.

Figure 15.4. The structure of a JMS message.


Message Header Fields

A header contains values used by both clients and providers to identify and route messages, for example the destination, a reply-to destination, the message type, and the message expiration time. All messages support the same standard set of header fields as described in Table 15.2.

Table 15.2. JMS Supported Message Types

Header Field


Defined By


A client can use the JMSCorrelationID header field to link one message with another. A typical use is to link a response message with its request message.

Client application


Contains the destination (queue or topic) to which the message is to be delivered. When a message is sent, this value is ignored. After completion of the send, it holds the destination object specified by the sending method. When a message is received, its destination value must be equivalent to the value assigned when it was sent.

send() method


Contains the delivery mode ( PERSISTENT or NON_PERSISTENT ) specified when the message was sent.

send() method


Defines the earliest absolute time at which a message can be delivered to a consumer.

send() method


When a message is sent, its expiration time is calculated as the sum of the time-to-live value specified on the send method and the current GMT.

send() method


If the time-to-live is specified as zero, expiration is set to zero, which indicates the message does not expire.


When GMT is later than an undelivered message's expiration time, the message should be destroyed . WebLogic JMS removes expired messages from the system to prevent their delivery.



Contains a string value that uniquely identifies each message sent by a provider. When a message is sent, this value is ignored. When the message is received, it contains a provider-assigned value.

send() method


Contains the message's priority. When a message is sent, this value is ignored. After completion of the send, it holds the value specified by the method sending the message. JMS defines a 10-level priority value with 0 as the lowest priority and 9 as the highest. In addition, clients should consider priorities 0 “4 as gradations of normal priority and priorities 5 “9 as gradations of expedited priority.

Message consumer


JMS does not require that a provider strictly implement priority ordering of messages; however, it should do its best to deliver expedited messages ahead of normal messages.



Specifies a flag set when a message is redelivered because no acknowledgement was received.

JMS provider


The JMSReplyTo header field contains a queue or topic to which reply messages should be sent.

Client application


This feature can be used with the JMSCorrelationID header field to coordinate request/response messages.



Contains the time a message was handed off to a provider to be sent.

Message consumer


It is not the time the message was actually transmitted because the actual send may occur later due to transactions or other client-side queuing of messages.


(The value stored in this field is a Java millis time value.)



Contains a message type identifier supplied by a client when a message is sent.

Client application

Message Property Fields (Optional)

These fields contain a set of application-defined name /value pairs that are accessible via the getter and setter methods on the Message object.

Although message property fields may be used for application-specific purposes, JMS provides them primarily for use in conjunction with message selectors for filtering messages by the consumer.

Message Body

A JMS message body contains the content being delivered from a producer to a consumer. JMS provides five types of message bodies that extend javax.jms.Message , which consists of message headers and properties, but no message body. The message types supported by WebLogic JMS are described in Table 15.3.

Table 15.3. JMS Supported Message Types

Message Type



A message containing a stream of Java primitives.


Similar to HashTable , contains name-value pairs.


Message containing a String; this includes XML strings.


Message containing a serialized Java object.


Message containing a byte stream. Can be used to implement binary format messages for non-Java clients.


Not part of the JMS standard. However, WebLogic includes this message type to allow an application to construct and deconstruct an XML message using a DOM tree. XMLMessage extends the TextMessage message type.

BEA WebLogic Platform 7
BEA WebLogic Platform 7
ISBN: 0789727129
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 360 © 2008-2017.
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