Section 6.9. The Effects Palette

6.9. The Effects Palette

It's hard to imagine that Apple added this new iPhoto 6 feature because the masses were screaming for it, but never mind. It's here if you want it: a set of five photo effects (like black-and-white and Antique), plus three effects that soften a photo's borders.

Figure 6-8. By clicking the Effects button while in editing mode, you can summon up a free-floating palette filled with nine different clickable effects, good for a solid 10 minutes of photo-editing fun.
Shown here is the Sepia effect.

To open this new palette, click the Effects icon shown in Figure 6-8. No matter which editing mode you're in (in-window, separate window, full-screen), the floating, tick-tack-toelooking Effects palette appears (also shown in Figure 6-8).

There's nothing to it. Click a button to apply the appropriate effect to the photo in front of you:

  • B & W (Black and White), Sepia . These tools drain the color from your photos. B & W converts them into moody grayscale images (a great technique if you're going for that Ansel Adams look); Sepia repaints them entirely in shades of antique brown (as though they were 1865 daguerreotypes).

    Tip: If you don't have the strength to deal with the Effects palette just now, there's another way: Control-click (or right-click) the photo and choose the corresponding command from the shortcut menu.
  • Antique . A heck of a lot like Sepia, but not quite as severe. Still gets light brownish, but preserves some of the original colorlike, say, a photo from the 1940s.

  • Fade Color . The colors get quite a bit faded, like a photo from the 1960s.

  • Current . Click this center button to undo all the playing you've done so far, taking the photo back to the way it was when you first opened the Effects palette.

  • Boost Color . Increases the color saturation, making colors look more vivid .

  • Matte . This effect whites out the outer portion of the photo, creating an oval-shaped frame around the center portion.

  • Vignette . Same idea as Matte, except that the image darkens toward the outer edges instead of lightening.

  • Edge Blur . Same idea again, except instead of creating an oval of white or black around the photo, creates an out-of-focus oval. The main, central portion of the photo is left in focus.

Tip: You can click any of these effect buttons repeatedly to intensify the effect.

iPhoto 6
iPhoto 6: The Missing Manual
ISBN: 059652725X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 183 © 2008-2017.
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