Chapter 33. Troubleshooting GarageBand

The truth is, most of the troubleshooting you'll do in GarageBand has to do with accommodating its horsepower demands. You'll know there's a problem when you see the Playhead turn orange or red, get skips in the music, or see a note that "Some parts were not played ." That's why most of this chapter is devoted to solving speed and horsepower problems.

Still, a few other things can go wrong, or at least can baffle you. Here, for your headache - relieving pleasure , are recipes for solving the most common problems.

iLife 05. The Missing Manual
iLife 05: The Missing Manual
ISBN: 0596100361
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 314
Authors: David Pogue © 2008-2017.
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