Opening the Oakley Project

Now that you've seen how filters can enhance the look and feel of a project, it's your turn to begin working with filters to improve the project. First, let's open the Oakley start project using a contextual menu in the File Browser.


In the Oakley subfolder, Ctrl-click the Oakley start project and select Reveal in Finder from the contextual menu.

The Finder opens with the Oakley start project already selected.


Double-click the Oakley start project in the Finder to open the project in Motion.

The Oakley start project opens with all of the contents and behaviors that you applied in Lesson 4.


Choose File > Save As and save the Oakley start project in the My Motion Projects folder on the Desktop.

    Apple Pro Training Series Getting Started with Motion
    Apple Pro Training Series: Getting Started With Motion
    ISBN: 0321305337
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 283
    Authors: Mary Plummer © 2008-2017.
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