
For a media file, the state of not being connected to the project, which can occur if a media file's location changes on the disk or if its name changes.

See also [online]

on the fly

The process of marking an In or Out point or creating markers while a project is playing back in the Canvas.


For a media file, the state of being connected to the project and available.

See also [offline]


The degree to which an image is transparent, allowing images behind to show through. An opacity of 0 percent means an object is invisible; an opacity of 100 percent means the object is completely opaque.

Out point

The last frame of an object to be displayed in the Canvas.


The part of the video frame that cannot be seen on a TV or video monitor. Broadcast video is an overscan medium, meaning that the recorded frame size is larger than the viewable area on a video monitor. The overscan part of the picture is usually hidden behind the plastic bezel on the edge of a television set.

Overwrite edit

An edit where the clip being edited into a sequence replaces an existing clip. The duration of the sequence remains unchanged.

    Apple Pro Training Series Getting Started with Motion
    Apple Pro Training Series: Getting Started With Motion
    ISBN: 0321305337
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 283
    Authors: Mary Plummer

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