Configuring a Secondary DNS Server

The configuration of a secondary DNS server is similar to that of a primary DNS server, although there are some important differences:

  • There are no zone files to create. These are automatically copied from the primary DNS server when the secondary server is configured and started for the first time.

  • The status of this server for all zone entries in /etc/named.conf is slave , except for the root domain.

  • There is an extra entry in the /etc/named.conf file that identifies the master server IP address. This specifies from where the zone files are to be copied.

In the previous section, the domain was used to configure a primary DNS server. The sample /etc/named.conf file shown here is for a secondary DNS server in the same domain:

 options {         directory "/var/named"; }; zone "." in {         type hint;         file ""; }; zone "" in {         type slave;         file "";         masters {; }; }; zone "" in {         type slave;         file "xyz.rev";         masters {; }; }; zone "" in {         type master;         file "named.local"; }; 

Each DNS server is always the master for the loopback reverse resolution zone ( ) because it refers to the local loopback address. This would not be copied from a primary DNS server. You should be aware of this in case you have to analyze a /etc/named.conf file in the exam.

Note that the root domain file, , is not automatically copied from the primary DNS server; it should be manually copied once during the configuration.

Solaris 9 Network Administration Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram CX-310-044)
Solaris 9 Network Administrator Exam Cram 2 (Exam CX-310-044)
ISBN: 0789728702
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 174
Authors: John Philcox © 2008-2017.
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