Section 12.3. Editing Links and Actions

12.3. Editing Links and Actions

Because there's so much overlap between links and actions, the way you edit themusing the Action Settings dialog boxis similar, too, as you'll see in the following sections.

PowerPoint gives you two different ways to edit a link. One way is using the Edit Hyperlink dialog box, which lets you change what you want to link to (an email address instead of a Web page, for example). The other way is using the Action Settings dialog box, which gives you additional link options, like playing a sound when the link is clicked or moused over.

12.3.1. Editing Links

Follow these steps to edit links:

  1. Right-click the link, then choose Edit Hyperlink. (Or select the link and then choose Insert Links Hyperlink.)

    The Edit Hyperlink dialog box (Figure 12-11) appears.

  2. In the Edit Hyperlink dialog box, make the changes you want. When you finish, click OK.

    The Edit Hyperlink dialog box disappears, and PowerPoint returns you to your slide and your newly edited link.

  3. Choose Insert Links Action.

Figure 12-11. Editing a link lets you change the options you set when you created the link, so it's no surprise that the Edit Hyperlink dialog box is nearly identical to the Insert Hyperlink dialog boxwith the exception of the Remove Link button.

12.3.2. Edit Actions

Follow these steps to edit actions:

  1. Right-click the link, then choose Edit Hyperlink. (Or select the link and then choose Insert Links Action.)

    The Action Settings dialog box appears.

  2. Make the changes you want. When you finish, click OK.

    The Action Settings dialog box disappears, and PowerPoint returns you to your slide and your newly edited link.

12.3.3. Deleting Links and Actions

As you saw back in Chapter 2, you remove text or a graphic object from your slide by selecting the object and then pressing Delete. But if you're working with links and actions, sometimes you don't want to delete the object itself; all you want to do is remove the link or action from the object.

Simply right-click the object from which you want to remove the link (or action) and then select Remove Hyperlink from the shortcut menu. PowerPoint removes the link (or action) from your object, but not the object from your slide.

Note: If you're trying to delete a link or action from a chunk of misspelled text, right-clicking brings up a different menu altogetherone that doesn't allow you to delete the link or action. In that case, to remove an action, you can head to the Action Settings dialog box and turn on the radio box next to None. To remove a link, head to the Edit Hyperlink dialog box and click Remove Link.

PowerPoint 2007
PowerPoint 2007
ISBN: 1555583148
Year: 2006
Pages: 129 © 2008-2017.
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