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Strategic accounts are your firm’s lifeblood: they play a critical role in its success or failure. The Seven Keys to Managing Strategic Accounts is filled with best practices and examples of how to intelligently manage key interactions and relationships with these vital accounts—for greater loyalty, higher profitability, and consistent competitive advantage.

Let this hands-on guidebook’s compelling case studies and examples help you to:

  • Create firm-wide alignment and commitment to meeting the needs and expectations of strategic accounts
  • Develop multilevel relationships within these accounts, from line managers to upper executives
  • Continually quantify and communicate the value delivered to and received from strategic accounts

Discover how today’s marketing leaders are designing and implementing cost-effective, results-oriented strategic account programs, and how you can follow their lead, in The Seven Keys to Managing Strategic Accounts.

About the Authors

Sallie Sherman is the president and CEO of S4 Consulting, a leading-edge relationship management firm that has helped business-to-business clients use strategic account management for nearly two decades.

Joseph Sperry is a partner with S4 Consulting, and a recognized national authority on the principles and application of strategic account relationship management.

Sam Reese is president and CEO of Miller Heiman, a leading developer and provider of sales management solutions for sales organizations and professionals.

The Seven Keys to Managing Strategic Accounts
The Seven Keys to Managing Strategic Accounts
ISBN: 0071417524
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 112 © 2008-2017.
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