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backdoor application

An application that allows remote access to a computer while bypassing normal authentication and remaining hidden within the system.

bandwidth attacks

An attempt to overload a network infrastructure by generating large amounts of traffic.

black-box (testing)

A method of testing software whereby the internal workings of the item being tested are unknown by the tester.

black-hat hacker

A skilled hacker who uses his expertise for illegal purposes.


A method of session hijacking in which the hijacker is unable to see the traffic being sent between the host and the target.


A means of connecting and exchanging information among devices such as PDAs, laptops, and mobile telephones via globally available shortwave radio frequency.

brute force attack

Attempt to determine a password or key by exhaustively working through every possibility.

buffer overflow attack

An exploitation of the buffer overflow condition that occurs when a program attempts to write data to a memory buffer that is larger than it can hold.


Programming code that is run through a virtual machine instead of the computer processor after it is compiled.

     < Day Day Up > 

    Penetration Testing and Network Defense
    Penetration Testing and Network Defense
    ISBN: 1587052083
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 209

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