I Wish I Had the Time to Work Out

The Honorable Patrick Murphy, a former marine who is now the presiding federal judge in the Southern District of Illinois, told me that it ticks him off when out of shape people claim that "they do not have time to work out." Everyone has time to work out. It is simply a question of priorities. Those people who claim that they are too busy are (1) deluding themselves with lame justifications for their laziness and (2) insulting those who do work out by implying that they—the ones who do work out—are not busy enough with their careers or somehow have it easier than those who "do not have time" to work out. The next time you are tempted to say that you do not have time to work out, think about how many hours you spend watching golf or Ozzie Osbourne on TV—lying there on the couch with a beer. You do have the time to keep in shape.

Earl Graves agrees. "It is easy to say that 'my laces hurt' so I won't exercise. But you have got to do it. You can find time. I remember one time when I had a full day of meetings getting up at 5:00 A.M. in the dark and freezing cold in Michigan and working out with the CEO of Northrop. I said, 'If a car hits us, they won't find us for four hours.' But we did it. Sometimes you say to yourself, this is nuts, but you just find a time to do it. And it actually becomes enjoyable."

President Bush works out every day. A couple of years ago, I met the chief justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, William Rehnquist, at a swimming pool in Washington, D.C. We discussed the benefits of swimming for several minutes after our respective workouts. He felt it was an important part of his day. If the president and the chief justice can find time to work out, so can you!

All invincible executives take care of their bodies. They organize their physical selves as well as they organize their departments, business deals, and offices. They realize that the benefits of a healthy body are immeasurable. Less time away from work; more stamina during times of crisis; a sharper, more professional mind and image. "Health equals energy," according to Ron Gafford, CEO of Austin Industries. And energy is an essential element of longterm professional success.

Staying Power. 30 Secrets Invincible Executives Use for Getting to the Top - and Staying There
Staying Power : 30 Secrets Invincible Executives Use for Getting to the Top - and Staying There
ISBN: 0071395172
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 174

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