Additional Ways to Use Data Binding

Now that you understand how data binding works, we'll conclude by offering a few practical ideas of how you might begin to use this capability.

  • A Web site that is translated into different languages Wherever text needs to be used on the site, you could substitute a data bound element. You could then pull all of the text from an external data source, using a different data source for each language.
  • A front end to a corporate database Users throughout a company could access a database from a page on the company's intranet.
  • An online storefront All product information could be stored and maintained in a database and displayed on a Web site. Customers could view product information by price, availability, or any other appropriate criteria. Customer information could be posted to a customer database using data bound controls on the site.
  • A reference Web site Reference databases could be bound to Web pages using the data binding controls. Users could search the database and modify views of the data after it is downloaded. Many parts of the SBN Workshop function in this way; for example, on the companion CD, see the first table found in \WORKSHOP\AUTHOR\DATABIND\OBJMODEL.HTM.

Data binding is a powerful and flexible way to work with external data from within Web-based documents. Using data binding and a data source object, you can allow users to view data in various ways, sort and filter the data, and add or delete data. By using the data binding features of Internet Explorer, you can create powerful database-driven applications on a Web-based platform.

Dynamic HTML in Action
Dynamic HTML in Action
ISBN: 0735605637
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 128 © 2008-2017.
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