

SAs, see Strategic Alternative(s)

scenario analysis, 242-245

sensitivity analysis, 237-242


and bargaining power, 127-128

IT and costs of, 70-71

outsourcing and gaps in, 55-56

post-sale, 135, 137

shareholder value, xii, 26, see also value

silos, 77

simple linear regression, 190-191, see also regression analysis

simulation models, 7, see also Monte Carlo simulation


of buyers vs. suppliers, 127

of enterprises, 33


in information technology, 64-66

for regression analysis, 191-192

software industry, 40

stabilization stage, 134, 135

staff reduction, 70-71

Step-Wise Approach to Value (SWAV), 1-8

analytical flow of, 2, 3

central premise of, 1

concept of, 11

dark side of, 252-254

economic filter in, 4, see also economic filter

filters in, 2

implementation of, 251-252

objective of, 21

operational filter in, 5-7, see also operational filter

organizational considerations with, 254-256

process issues with, 256-258

strategic filter in, 4-5, see also strategic filter

valuation filter in, 7, see also valuation filter

Strategic Alternative(s) (SAs)

assessing value creation by, 7, see also Step-Wise Approach to Value

BPR as, 78-79, 91

cross-functional teams for, 257

definition of, 1

economic filter for, 4

external, see external Strategic Alternatives

filters for, 2, see also specific filters

information technology as, 75-76

internal, see internal Strategic Alternatives

linking compensation to success of, 256

measuring results of, 257-258

mergers and acquisitions as, 47, 49

outsourcing as, 57-58

shareholder value impacts of, 7

strategic filter for, 4-5

validation of, 105-106

value increased by, see value proposition

strategic costing, 179-180

strategic decision making, 181-182

strategic filter, 4-5, 113-141

Balanced Scorecard in, 131-140

importance of, 114-116

Porter Model in, 116-131

strategic focus, 51-52

strategic intelligence, 179

strategic necessities, 22

strategy, xi

aligning value creation with, xi

linking finance with, xi-xiii, see also Step-Wise Approach to Value

substitute products, 128

success, future, 7

supplier acquisitions, 36, 38-39

suppliers, bargaining power of, 127

supply chain movement M&A, 36-42

supply chains, 129

SWAV, see Step-Wise Approach to Value

switching costs, 124-125

synergies, 46-47

Translating Strategy into Shareholder Value. A Company-Wide Approach to Value Creation
Translating Strategy into Shareholder Value: A Company-Wide Approach to Value Creation
ISBN: 0814405649
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 117 © 2008-2017.
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