
Any security policy is only as strong as its weakest link. A common mistake by firewall administrators is not considering remote users as a possible source of security breaches. This is changing, however, as worms and viruses are propagated by them. Once a remote user is connected to your network, any compromise of that user s workstation could easily result in a compromise of your network.

Check Point s SecureClient and policy server coupled with SCV enable you to reduce the risk of a remote user s desktop being susceptible to a security compromise as well as ensure its level of security. Because remote users are not necessarily knowledgeable about what their local security policy should be or how to implement it, the combination of SCV, policy server, and SecureClient enables the firewall administrator to set the security policy appropriate for remote users, and then push that policy out in a way that is simple and unobtrusive to the user.

The Check Point SecureClient Packaging Tool is an additional component that enables you to distribute preconfigured versions of SecureClient to your users. This eliminates the need for remote users to correctly set up and configure SecureClient, thereby further simplifying the process for remote users to securely connect to the network.

Check Point NG[s]AI
Check Point NG[s]AI
ISBN: 735623015
Year: 2004
Pages: 149 © 2008-2017.
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