Chapter 9. Managing Files and Partitions

 < Day Day Up > 

    Section 9.1.  Introduction

    Recipe 9.2.  Setting File and Directory Permissions with chmod's Numeric Notation

    Recipe 9.3.  Doing Batch Operations with chmod

    Recipe 9.4.  Setting File and Directory Permissions with chmod's Symbolic Notation

    Recipe 9.5.  Setting File Ownership with chown

    Recipe 9.6.  Doing Batch Operations with chown

    Recipe 9.7.  Setting Up a Shared Directory with setgid and the Sticky Bit

    Recipe 9.8.  Setting Permissions Defaults with umask

    Recipe 9.9.  Mounting and Unmounting Removable Disks

    Recipe 9.10.  Configuring Filesystem Mounts with /etc/fstab

    Recipe 9.11.  Mounting and Unmounting Filesystems on Hard Drives

    Recipe 9.12.  Finding Device Names for mount and fstab

    Recipe 9.13.  Creating Files and Directories

    Recipe 9.14.  Deleting Files and Directories

    Recipe 9.15.  Copying, Moving, and Renaming Files and Directories

    Recipe 9.16.  Creating Linux Disk Partitions with fdisk

    Recipe 9.17.  Creating a Filesystem on a New Partition

 < Day Day Up > 

Linux Cookbook
Linux Cookbook
ISBN: 0596006403
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 434 © 2008-2017.
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