

Machine condition signature analysis (MCSA), 363
Machine customers, 229
Machinery FMEA, 224 “225, 277;
see also FMEA (failure modes and effects analysis)
classification in, 279
current controls, 282
detection ratings, 282
failure modes, 277 “278
and FTA (fault tree analysis), 348
identifying functions, 277
identifying scopes of, 277
occurrence ratings in, 282
potential causes in, 279
in R&M (reliability and maintainability), 351 “352, 361
recommended actions in, 283
RPN (risk priority number), 282 “283
severity rating, 279
Machining, characteristic matrix of, 63 “64
MacLaurin series, 646, 649
Magnetic disk feeders, 207
Magnetic elevating hopper feeders, 207
Magnetic fields, 289
Magnetic particle tests, 530
Maintainability, 292, 338, 363
Maintenance records, 282
Major parts standards, 338 “339
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 105
Maldistribution, law of, 585
benchmarking in, 98, 103 “104, 124
and budgets , 662
in business assessments, 138
and earnings, 693
as measure of quality cost, 496
operational, 601
in partnering, 19
roles in customer/supplier relationship, 21 “22
and security, 663
systems concept in, 35 “37
in theory of firm, 662
Management process benchmarking, 122 “123
Manpower, 483
Manuals, 145
Manufacturing-based view, 114
Manufacturing cells , 206
Manufacturing cost, 569, 571
Manufacturing engineering, 296
Manufacturing engineering sign-of approach, 199
Manufacturing engineers , 269
Manufacturing process, 206
approaches to, 207 “208
in business assessments, 136
categories of, 206, 206 “207
as cause of product failures, 291
conformance elements in, 506 “507
controls, 273 “274
costs, 569
costs of, 571
design- related factors in, 197
external, 6 “7
factors affecting , 197 “198
functions, 269 “270
improving, 489
internal, 5 “6
as measure in TOC (theory of constraints), 462
nonconformance elements in, 507
one in, one out, 207
product design-related factors affecting, 197
in R&M (reliability and maintainability), 350
schematic diagram, 206
secondary, 206
and theory of non-constraints, 464
Margin/fit problems, 177
Marketable securities, 671, 681
advantages in, 74
conformance elements in, 505 “506
as measure of quality cost, 497
nonconformance elements in, 506
Market niches , 54
Market research, 148
in DFSS (design for six sigma), 715, 718
in product development, 295
as source of benchmarking information, 144
in surveys, 118
Market segmentation, 102
in benchmarking, 125
in DFSS (design for six sigma), 717
planning, 45
Market segments, 54
Market share, 696
Mass, 527
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 541 “543
Mass production, 518, 726
Master Belt, in dealing with projects, 661
Master Black Belt, in dealing with projects, 661 “661
Materials, 569
analysis of, 176
in business assessments, 136
direct, 569
errors in, 526
handling, 206 “207
indirect, 569
as input in team systems, 26
as measure of quality cost, 497 “499
properties of, 180
raw, 487, 523
as source of mistakes, 212
in TOC (theory of constraints), 458
Mathematical modeling, 266
Matrix analysis, 587 “589
Maturity period, of product life cycle, 699 “700
Maytag, 99
MCSA (machine condition signature analysis), 363
Mean deflection , 654
Means, difference between two, 655 “656
Mean time between failures. see MBTF
Mean time to repair. see MTTR
Measurement mistakes, 214
Measurement systems, 524 “525
interpreting results of inspection and testing in, 530
mechanical, 527
purpose of inspection in, 528 “529
roles of, 525 “527
sources of inaccuracy, 526
techniques and equipment, 527 “528
testing methods , 529 “530
Mechanical design margins, 359 “360
Mechanical loads, 178 “179
Mechanical measurements, 527
Mechanics, laws of, 542
Medical costs, 36
Mergers and acquisitions, asset values in, 680
Metal detectors, 218
Metric dimensions, 520
Metric tolerance, 520
Metrology, 524 “525
interpreting results of inspection and testing in, 530
purpose of inspection in, 528 “529
roles of, 525 “527
techniques and equipment, 527 “528
testing methods, 529 “530
Microeconomics, 662
Microinches, 531
Micrometers, 527
Microswitches, 219
Miles, L.D., 555
MIL-HDBK-727 method, 203
Milliken and Co., 143
Millimeters, 520
Minority interest, 667
Mirror image (accounting), 676
Mission statements, 160
Mistake proofing, 208 “209
in avoiding workplace errors, 210
devices for, 216 “219
equation for success in, 218
inspection techniques in, 217
proactive system approach to, 216
in process FMEA, 274
reactive system approach to, 216
Mistakes, 213 “215
causes of, 213 “215
detecting, 216 “217
examples of, 213
human, 210 “212
preventing, 216 “217
signals that alert, 215
sources of, 212 “213
types of, 213 “215
Mistakes of misunderstanding, 210
Mitsubishi method, 200 “201
Models and modeling, 178
in engineering analysis, 266
in FEA (finite element analysis), 169
finite element, 180
redesigns of, 181 “182
as tool of quality cost, 485
Modified duPont system, 157, 704
Money. see funds
Monochrome monitors , 358
Monte Carlo method, 169
Moody's, 146, 696
Motion economy, principles of, 201
Motorola Inc., 1
benchmarking programs in, 109 “110, 157
six sigma quality programs, 101
Mounting mistakes, 214 “215
MSC/NASTRAN software, 180
MTBE (mean time between event), 354 “355
MTBF (mean time between failures), 348
conversion to failure rate, 361
definition of, 363
in failure-truncated tests, 318
and inherent availability, 292 “293
machine history of, 349
as measure of product reliability, 290
and occurrence ratings, 282
in R&M (reliability and maintainability), 348, 355
in sequential tests, 321
in time-truncated tests, 319 “320
MTTF (mean time to failure), 363, 619
MTTR (mean time to repair), 348
definition of, 363
machine history of, 349
in R&M (reliability and maintainability), 292 “293, 355 “356
Musts and wants, 477

Six Sigma and Beyond. Design for Six Sigma (Vol. 6)
Six Sigma and Beyond: Design for Six Sigma, Volume VI
ISBN: 1574443151
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 235 © 2008-2017.
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