Chapter 9. Remembering

    Section 9.1.  Hacks 81-92

    Hack 81.  Bring Stuff to the Front of Your Mind

    Hack 82.  Subliminal Messages Are Weak and Simple

    Hack 83.  Fake Familiarity

    Hack 84.  Keep Your Sources Straight (if You Can)

    Hack 85.  Create False Memories

    Hack 86.  Change Context to Build Robust Memories

    Hack 87.  Boost Memory Using Context

    Hack 88.  Think Yourself Strong

    Hack 89.  Navigate Your Way Through Memory

    Hack 90.  Have an Out-of-Body Experience

    Hack 91.  Enter the Twilight Zone: The Hypnagogic State

    Hack 92.  Make the Caffeine Habit Taste Good

Mind Hacks. Tips and Tools for Using Your Brain
Mind Hacks. Tips and Tools for Using Your Brain
ISBN: 596007795
Year: 2004
Pages: 159 © 2008-2017.
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