Chapter 15. Labeling, Categorizing, and Configuring Your Music


  • Get to know and love tags.

  • Get the details for your music.

  • Label your music so that you can do cool things with it, such as creating playlists based on a song's information.

  • Rate your songs, set the relative volume level, and hear only the parts you want to hear.

  • Don't miss out on album artwork just because you have gone digital.

  • Work the Content pane like a pro.

It's confession time. I admit it. This topic might not seem too exciting at first glance. Who wants to spend their time labeling and categorizing music? That is a fair question; I hope by the time you read through this chapter, you answer that question with an enthusiastic "I do, that's who!" Of course, I would be almost as happy even if your response is, "It might not be as fun as building my Library, but it will make my iTunes world a lot better." Think of this chapter as learning the nuts and bolts of how iTunes works so that you can become an iTunes wizard later on.

After you have worked through the labeling content in this chapter, I think you will find the ability to configure the songs in your Library to be pretty exciting because that is where you start really bending iTunes to your will (which isn't as dramatic as it sounds because iTunes is really pretty easy to command).

iPod + iTunes Starter Kit
iPod and iTunes Starter Kit (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 078973463X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 187 © 2008-2017.
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