Chapter 26. Working with Purchased Music

In This Chapter

  • Learn what really happens when you buy from the iTunes Music Store.

  • Know and love the Purchased Music playlist.

  • Understand how to enable a computer to play or prevent it from playing purchased music.

  • Move purchased music to other computers.

  • See all the tunes you have purchased.

  • Back up music you have purchased.

The title of this chapter is somewhat misleading because it implies there is a lot different about working with music you have purchased than with other music in your Library, such as music you've imported from audio CDs. Although there are some unique aspects of music you purchased from the iTunes Music Store, mostly you can use it in the same way as any other music you have added to your own iTunes Library. But, there are just a few things of which you need to be aware, and that is where this chapter comes in.

Absolute Beginner's Guide to iPod and iTunes
Absolute Beginner's Guide to iPod and iTunes
ISBN: 789731770
Year: 2003
Pages: 194 © 2008-2017.
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