
In no way, shape, or form could this book have been completed without the talented efforts of several people. Specifically, I would like to thank everybody at QUE Publishing for giving me this opportunity. That thanks extends to management all the way down to the press operators who print the pages. I would especially like to thank Carol Ackerman, who has been a fantastic tour guide through this maiden voyage. I wouldn't have it any other way.

To my technical editors Ed Yanez and Steven Thomas, thank you for your incredible input. Your contributions were invaluable in the formation of this book.

Thank you to John Gosney, who has an amazing "decrypting" talent. You made sense of that which could not be deciphered by normal people. My deepest appreciation goes out to Sheila Schroeder, who practiced infinite patience with my constant changes, and to Margo Catts, whose phenomenal editing abilities dispelled any beliefs that I was good in English grammar.

I would also like to take an opportunity to thank my friends that have supported me during the writing of this book. As you all know I was out of sight and usually out of my mind. I especially would like to thank my good friends Melissa Bjordal and Michael Sheppard in Austin who provided me with everything I needed to maintain my sanity through these times. Thanks also must go to my friends at The Training Camp, who supported and applauded my magical disappearing acts when I needed to get work done. This includes Jesse Lee DeGarmo, who has been an amazing brother and friend, Dan Newman, who walked every mile in my circus shoes with me on this book, and Ross Brunson, who brought this opportunity to my attention. Finally, I wish to thank all my friends from Delaware, including Mike and Meg McKinley, Chad Deamond, and Rick King, who have probably forgotten what I look like since I went into hiding. I think of you all often when my mind is not slipping into a VPN coma.

CSVPN Exam Cram 2 (Exam 642-511)
CCSP CSVPN Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 642-511)
ISBN: 078973026X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 185 © 2008-2017.
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