Using the Task Pane to Initiate Online-Related Tasks

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As you know by now, one of the principal innovations in Word 2002 is the task pane, which is designed to provide a standard area for commands, files, and functionality. Among its many features, you'll find a number of Web-related options that enable you to use the task pane to integrate Web capabilities as you work. In particular, you can open the task pane by choosing File, New and then use the task pane to perform the following Internet-related tasks:

  • Create a new, blank Web page or e-mail message. In the New Document task pane, click the Blank Web Page or Blank E-mail Message link.
  • Access templates stored on your Web sites and in the online Microsoft Office Template Gallery. In the New Document task pane, click the Templates On My Web Site or Templates On link.
  • Add a Network Place so that you can access online sites from within Word. In the New Document task pane, click the Add Network Place link.
  • Obtain online help. In the New Document task pane, click the Microsoft Word Help link.
  • Search for additional clip art items on line. In the Insert Clip Art task pane, click the Clips Online link.
  • Translate documents via the Web. In the Translate task pane, click Go in the Translate Via The Web section.

For more information about downloading clip art from the Web, see Chapter 14, "Adding Visual Impact with Pictures." For more information about using templates and wizards from the Microsoft Office Template Gallery, see Chapter 22, "Formatting Documents Using Templates, Wizards, and Add-Ins." For more information about obtaining online technical assistance from Microsoft (including information about Office On The Web features), see Chapter 3, "Getting the Most From Help."

Microsoft Word Version 2002 Inside Out
Microsoft Word Version 2002 Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735612781
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 337 © 2008-2017.
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