
 < Day Day Up > 

Programming is an art; there’s no doubt about it. Good programmers are artists in every sense of the word. They are a creative bunch, although some would believe themselves otherwise out of modesty. Like any art you can learn the secrets of the craft. That is what this chapter is all about.

Perhaps the most prevalent personality trait I have noticed in good programmers is a knack for problem solving. Problem solving requires creativity, and lots of it. When you program a computer you are solving a problem with a machine. You transfer your knowledge of a particular problem into code, transform the code into a form understandable by a machine, and run the result on a machine. Doing this requires lots of creativity, especially when you find yourself stumped by a particular problem.

The material presented here is wrought from experience. Believe it or not, the hardest part about learning to program a computer, in any programming language, is not the learning of the language itself, rather, it is learning how to approach the art of problem solving with a computer. To this end the material in this chapter is aimed squarely at the beginner. However, I must issue a word of warning. If you are truly a novice, then some of what you read in this chapter will make less sense to you than to someone already familiar with C or C++. Do not worry, it is that way by design. If you feel like skipping parts of this chapter now, then go right ahead. The material will be here when you need it. In fact, you will grow to appreciate this chapter more as you gain experience as a programmer.

The Difficulties You Will Encounter Learning C++

During your studies of the C++ programming language you will face many challenges and frustrations. However, the biggest problem you will encounter is not the learning of the language itself, but the many other skills and tools you must learn before writing programs of any significance or gaining any measure of proficiency in solving problems with C++. If you are a seasoned student or practicing computer professional returning to the classroom to upgrade your skills, you have the advantage of experience. You can concentrate on learning the syntax and nuances of C++ and very quickly apply its powers to problems at hand. If you are an absolute beginner, however, you have much to learn.

Required Skills

In addition to the syntax and semantics of the C++ language you will need to master the following skills and tools:

  • A development environment, which could be as simple as a text editor and compiler combination or a commercial product that integrates editing, compiling, and project management capabilities into one suite of tools,

  • A computing platform of choice,

  • Problem solving skills,

  • How to approach a programming project,

  • How to manage project complexity,

  • How to put yourself in the mood to program,

  • How to stimulate your creative abilities,

  • Object-oriented analysis and design,

  • Object-oriented programming principles.

The Planets Will Come Into Alignment

I use a metaphor to describe what it takes before you can get even the simplest program to execute properly. It is as if the planets must come into alignment. You must learn a little of each skill and tool listed above, with the exception of object-oriented programming principles and object-oriented analysis and design, to write, compile, and run your first C++ program. But, when the planets do come into alignment, and you see your first program compile and execute, and you begin to make sense of all the class notes, documentation, and text books you have studied up to that point, you will spring up from your chair and do a victory dance. It is a great feeling!

How This Chapter Will Help You

This chapter will give you the information you need to bring the planets into alignment sooner rather than later. It presents an abbreviated software development methodology that formalizes the three primary roles you play as a programming student. It will discuss some philosophical topics related to tapping into your creative energies. It will offer several strategies to help you manage project complexity, something you will not need for very small projects but should get into the habit of doing as soon as possible.

I recommend you read this chapter at least once in its entirety and refer back as necessary as you progress through the text and attempt increasingly difficult programming assignments.

 < Day Day Up > 

C++ for Artists. The Art, Philosophy, and Science of Object-Oriented Programming
C++ For Artists: The Art, Philosophy, And Science Of Object-Oriented Programming
ISBN: 1932504028
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 340
Authors: Rick Miller © 2008-2017.
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