Chapter 12. Processing XML


    Recipe 12.1.  Checking XML Well-Formedness

    Recipe 12.2.  Counting Tags in a Document

    Recipe 12.3.  Extracting Text from an XML Document

    Recipe 12.4.  Autodetecting XML Encoding

    Recipe 12.5.  Converting an XML Document into a Tree of Python Objects

    Recipe 12.6.  Removing Whitespace-only Text Nodes from an XML DOM Node's Subtree

    Recipe 12.7.  Parsing Microsoft Excel's XML

    Recipe 12.8.  Validating XML Documents

    Recipe 12.9.  Filtering Elements and Attributes Belonging to a Given Namespace

    Recipe 12.10.  Merging Continuous Text Events with a SAX Filter

    Recipe 12.11.  Using MSHTML to Parse XML or HTML

Python Cookbook
Python Cookbook
ISBN: 0596007973
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 420 © 2008-2017.
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